Today, the Modern Military Association of American, the nation’s largest LGBTQ military and veteran non-profit, supports the Department of Veterans Affairs’ commitment to providing safe, welcoming and equitable services for ALL Veteran, family, caregiver, and survivor beneficiaries and employees, inclusive of diverse gender identities and sexual orientation.

“We are thrilled to see the Biden Administration’s and Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary McDonough, once again reaffirm promises to the LGBTQ community,”said Executive Director, Jennifer Dane.

In a release, the VA confirmed its alignment with President Biden’s recent Executive Orders lifting the transgender military ban and preventing and combating discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation through a number of actions including policy reviews and implementation of remediation plans if such reviews identify discriminatory policies.

Additionally, the VA plans to examine the experience of LGBT beneficiaries and employees and include their perspectives in the development of future guidance to address any barriers that LGBT beneficiaries and employees may face in accessing the full range of care, benefits and services.

“As representatives of the LGBTQ military and veteran community, we will continue to welcome all discussions with the VA to support these initiatives and help ensure these commitments are upheld,” said Dane.

The VA has also stated that they will perform an assessment of the necessary steps to eliminate the exclusion of “gender alterations” as currently stated in the medical benefits package, more commonly referred to as gender affirmation care and services, to include assessment of statutory and regulatory requirements as well as funding, staffing, technology and other resources required to provide all medically necessary services.

“Lifting the transgender service ban was one very important step in the right direction, but one that would soon prove challenging if access to care and services were not also provided,” said Dane. “This is a welcomed and necessary commitment from the VA that we fully support.”


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) published the following memo on February 23, 2021:

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) welcomes all Veteran, family, caregiver, and survivor beneficiaries and employees, inclusive of diverse gender identities and sexual orientation. VA is committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and equitable environment for all the Veterans we serve and the workforce that makes it possible for us to accomplish our mission.

Pursuant to President Biden’s recently signed Executive Orders (Enabling All Qualified Americans to Serve Their Country in Uniform, signed on January 25, 2021, and Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation, signed on January 20, 2021), Secretary McDonough will issue a Memo this afternoon to VA Under Secretaries and Staff Offices directing the following:

  • Conduct a policy review to determine whether any regulations, directives, policies and procedures promote equity for and inclusion of LGBT Veterans, families, caregivers, survivors or employees. Design and implement a remediation plan if the review identifies discriminatory policies towards LGBT beneficiaries and employees.
  • Perform an assessment of the necessary steps to eliminate the exclusion of “gender alterations” as currently stated in the medical benefits package, more commonly referred to as gender affirmation care and services, to include assessment of statutory and regulatory requirements as well as funding, staffing, technology and other resources required to provide all medically necessary services.
  • Develop means to measure the experience of LGBT beneficiaries and employees and to include their perspectives in the development of future guidance and any barriers that LGBT beneficiaries and employees may face in accessing the full range of VA care, benefits and services are identified and addressed.
  • Develop a plan to ensure that employees are trained on inclusive, respectful and welcoming interaction with LGBT beneficiaries and implement an enterprise plan to enhance data and information systems with respect to sexual orientation and gender identity, such that beneficiaries and employees may independently and securely self-identify and be addressed by their preferred name and pronouns.


VA currently provides LGBT specific care to Veterans. More information can be found here:

Every person at VA, whether a customer or member of VA’s workforce, should be treated with respect and dignity. Our success as a team—our ability to deliver world-class care for our Veterans—depends on our respect for our fellow VA employees and the Veterans we serve and is critical to everything we do.