Advertise or submit a story idea to Modern Military magazine

Download the media kit below to learn about ad opportunities and pricing.


2024 magazine issues:

Where is it Safe to Live? Military Families as Political Refugees
Publish Date: February 2024

HIV+ Military Service and Advocacy
Article Deadline: March 29
Advertising Deadline: April 19
Publish Date: May 2024

Cadets: What to Know for Military College
Article Deadline: July 26
Advertising Deadline: August 9
Publish Date: September 2024

Examining Faith
Article Deadline: September 16
Advertising Deadline: September 27
Publish Date: November 2024

Story ideas should:

  • Be no more than one page long
  • Provide links to recent writing samples
  • Present your idea and how you would approach it, provide a sense of your writing style, and name which issue topic for which the piece is intended.

Please note:

  • Preference is given to first-person stories within the subject area.
  • Plagiarism and AI-generated submissions are not accepted.
  • We cannot pay for contributed stories, but if they are accepted for our magazine or blog, we will energetically promote them across our organizational platforms.