Modern Military Association of America is deeply gratified by the recent ruling by the U.S. District Court in Wilkins v. Austin which eradicates the last remaining barrier preventing individuals living with HIV from joining the U.S. Armed Forces. As plaintiffs in the landmark cases Roe and Voe v. Austin, Harrison v. Esper, and Deese & Doe v. Austin, we have long been at the forefront of the battle to dismantle discriminatory policies within the military.

This victory is particularly meaningful for Modern Military because it represents the culmination of years of dedicated advocacy and legal action to ensure that all service members and prospective service members are judged by their abilities and dedication, not by outdated and unjust biases. The court’s decision to overturn these restrictions validates the principle we have championed: that modern medicine and science must guide military policy, not fear or stigma.

The cases we fought —Roe and Voe v. Austin, Harrison v. Esper, and Deese & Doe v. Austin—challenged the military’s refusal to allow HIV-positive service members to deploy and commission as officers. These cases set critical precedents, affirming that asymptomatic individuals with undetectable viral loads are fully capable of fulfilling their duties. This ruling builds on that legacy, ensuring that these same individuals now have the opportunity to enlist and serve their country from the outset of their careers.

For Modern Military, this decision is a reaffirmation of our commitment to advocating for the rights of all who serve. It reflects the progress  made in transforming the military into a more inclusive institution. We celebrate this momentous occasion as a victory for equality, for science, and for every person who dreams of serving their country free from discrimination.

We remain steadfast in our mission to support and protect the rights of LGBTQ+ and HIV-positive service members, veterans, and their families, and we look forward to continuing our work to ensure that the military remains a place where all can serve with honor, integrity, and respect.

Help us continue this work. Your donation will help provide critical resources, strategic litigation, and advocacy to ensure that every capable person, regardless of HIV status, can serve without discrimination.