Modern Military is deeply concerned by Texas’ recent decision to deny individuals the ability to change the gender markers on their driver’s licenses. This policy undermines the dignity and identity of transgender and non-binary Texans as well as poses significant risks to their safety and well-being.

Driver’s licenses are a fundamental form of identification, used daily for a range of essential activities, from voting to accessing healthcare. By refusing to allow gender marker changes, Texas is forcing transgender individuals to carry identification that does not accurately reflect who they are, leading to potential discrimination, harassment, and even violence. For transgender and non-binary servicemembers stationed in Texas, this policy can lead to increased scrutiny, discrimination, and difficulties in accessing essential services both on and off base.

This policy is a stark reminder of the growing wave of measures targeting transgender individuals in Texas and across the nation. It is part of a broader effort to erase the identities of transgender people and deny them their basic rights. Such policies exacerbate the already dangerous climate for transgender individuals, particularly transgender women of color, who are disproportionately affected by violence and discrimination.

We call on Texas leaders to reconsider this harmful policy and to take steps to protect and affirm the rights of all Texans, regardless of gender identity. Everyone deserves the right to live authentically and safely, without fear of discrimination or harm. The ability to change gender markers on identification documents is a small but crucial step toward ensuring that right. We stand in solidarity with transgender Texans and all those who are affected by this unjust policy. We will continue to advocate for the rights and dignity of all individuals, and we urge others to join us in this fight for equality and justice.

Learn more:

All in For Equality Fact Sheet from ACLU Texas: DPS’ Refusal to Follow Court Orders to Update Gender Markers on Driver’s Licenses and Identification Cards