Tell Your Story

Modern Military prioritizes telling the stories of our members. This is an opportunity for service members, veterans, and family members to share their thoughts on the various aspects of LGBTQ+ military life.

Pitch Guidance

We’re looking for original pieces of 600-1,500 words written by you that will be publish to Modern Military’s audience via the magazine, website, social media platforms, or in partnership with our media contacts.

Story Categories
  • I Lived It – Will your story help others in some way? Are there things you wish you could go back and tell yourself before that story began for you? Let us help you amplify your voice in an I Lived It segment.
  • Testimonials – Are you or your family impacted by a military policy? Are there things you want others to know about how this policy has changed the course of your career, limited the way you can interact in certain settings, or limit the ability to bring your full self to military or veteran spaces? We can bring your story straight to policymakers and Congress to let them know about the real-life impact of policies.
  • Shining Star Recognition – Do you have a positive interaction to share as an LGBTQ+ or HIV-positive service member, military spouse/family member, or veteran? When we amplify positive recognition and examples of allyship, it allows others to identify safe spaces and supportive individuals at military installations, VA facilities, service organizations, and other groups.
  • Hometown Hero – Are you an LGBTQ+ service member or veteran making an impact in your job or volunteer time? Let us help you amplify your good works to a wider community through the Hometown Hero segment.
  • Deep Dive – Maybe you just wrote a book on an LGBTQ+ military or veteran adjacent topic. Or maybe you just need the world to know about a serious gap in veteran care that is harming our community. This is likely the segment for you.
  • Partner Spotlight – Does your work align with Modern Military’s vision, mission, and values? Let us know how we can collaborate and we can amplify the partnership through the Partner Spotlight segment.
  • Activist Central – Are you an LGBTQ+ and/or social justice activist with wisdom to share? We’d love to feature you, what you’ve learned, and activism tips so the next generation of service members, veterans, and their families have the tools, tips, and training they need right at their fingertips.
Our Editing Process

Modern Military’s editing process is culturally-sensitive, trauma-informed, and storyteller led. You can tell your story anonymously if you wish. If you wish to use your real name, you will receive full credit for your work. We edit for clarity, concision, length, and framing. We will never change your intent or make edits to your lived experience without your permission. We will use images to accompany your story that you approve or provide. You will see and approve the final version of your story before it is published. If your story is published digitally, you can request changes or deletion at any time.

Please note plagiarized or AI-generated submissions are not accepted.

Demographic Information

MMAA collects demographic information for grant purposes and organizational assessment.

Your Gender Identity
Your Racial Identity
Are you of Hispanic, Latine, or of Spanish origin?
Your Age Range
Tell Your Story
Please share the piece type *

Modern Military collects first-person stories as part of our advocacy agenda. Your story may be shared with the media, Congressional representatives, DoD officials, or on Modern Military's social media platforms and publications to amplify the issue. You may choose to share your story anonymously.