Since 1993, we have relentlessly supported the LGBTQ military and veteran community, and it’s critical that we continue that work. But during these unprecedented times, MMAA is facing severe funding shortages as many of our corporate and large-scale donors have been unable to provide financial support.
That’s why we are reaching out to you with one simple ask: Give just $6 today.
Our membership and support base just hit over 85,000, and even if only half of you rallied around this $6 initiative, we would be able to secure the funding needed to function during this pandemic.
Here are 6 ways your $6 will make a big difference:
6. Amplifying the voices of the LGBTQ military and veteran community: Through powerful tools like Modern Military Magazine and the MMAA blog, you can help us make sure the voices of the LGBTQ military and veteran community are front and center in our fight for equality.
5. Training Military and Veteran Service Providers: Through our landmark LGBTQ cultural compentency training program, Rainbow Shield, you’ll ensure LGBTQ military and veteran service providers and advocates are better equipped to support our community.
4. Advocating in Congress, the Pentagon, and the VA: You’ll help us continue to educate Members of Congress, Pentagon leaders, and VA officials while we advocate for a fairer, more inclusive approach to meeting our community’s challenges.
3. Fighting In Court Against Discrimination: From a lawsuit challenging the deeply discriminatory transgender military ban to lawsuits challenging outdated military policies on service members living with HIV, you’ll help us continue fighting back against discrimination.
2. Supporting our Community with Free Legal Services: You’ll ensure our free legal services program continues to operate at full capacity. Our legal team has already helped more than 12,5000 members of our community with discharge upgrades, legal name changes and a range of other issues related to discrimination and harassment.
1. Building MMAA Networks the Globe. Our members and supporters are literally the most important part of our mission. You’ll help us continue to revitalize our chapters and ensure we build strong, robust support networks wherever our service members, veterans, and their families may be stationed or living.